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Plans for the GEM Sanctuary

We want to make some improvements to make the best use of our newly-purchased facility. Here they are listed here in order of priority. We will make these improvements as funds allow.

  1. Children's Hall / Teaching room
    At our former location we had a small shelter for the children's church while the adults were at the main service. We can use some of the materials from that place in the construction, but the cost of the new facility will still be around $2,000.00. This room will also be used as a teaching hall for special events.
  2. Refurbishing or rebuilding the church toilets.
    When we bought the land, it came equipped with a pit latrine. Because of the growing numbers at our church, this toilet needs to be replaced. Construction and materials will cost around $4,500. Alternatively, we can have the present latrine pumped out for a fee of $550.00.
  3. Completion of two dormitory rooms: a) rebuilding floors b) plastering walls c) painting the wall d) purchasing mattresses. These rooms are used year round for housing some of our church young people who need a place to stay.
    Estimation cost (materials and labor) for floors and walls: $1,200.00.
    15 mattresses are needed at $40.00 each.
  4. Installation of glass in windows and doors of sanctuary and dormitory rooms. This is not only for security but also as protection again mosquitos. Malaria is a constant concern in this region. Materials and installation approximately $270.00.
  5. Kitchen shelter (materials and labor) $485.00
  6. Buying the remaining plots of land on our property.
    The property we bought was family owned and divided amongst several members. Two members would not sell their portion. These are small but significant plots. One plot is attached to the church building and the other is located by the toilets. These family members are now willing to sell these plots but their price is very unreasonable. Please pray with us that a new fairer price can be negotiated.
  7. An exterior wall around the church property.
    We would like to enclose the church compound with a security wall. This is something that is very necessary in this neighborhood. Price yet to be determined.
  8. Bibles in the local language.
    There is a great number of people in our church who cannot read English but can read Luganda. Luganda Bibles are very expensive and few can afford them. Each copy sells for $30.00. The cost is reduced by 30% or more if they are purchased in bulk (50 or more) from the Bible Society.
  9. Installation of ceiling boards in the sanctuary and dormitory. This is not only for cosmetic purposes but to control the heat of the tin roof. Price yet to be determined.