
Prayer request for my mission to Nepal

October 31, 2019

It is rare when one feels privileged to make a request, but I feel very privileged to request that you stand with me in prayer during my upcoming mission to Nepal. I leave this afternoon, October 31, and expect to return November 20.

Any opportunity to serve the Lord is a privilege, and anyone who performs his service begrudgingly, or as if he were doing the Lord a favor, will soon find that privilege taken away. But each time we serve the Lord wholeheartedly and selflessly, we lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven that we will one day lay down before the Lord to honor him. And yes, our crowns and jewels will be mere trinkets in comparison to all he has given us, but still, we will be glad not to stand before him ashamed for our empty hands.

This will be my fourth mission in Nepal, and my third at the Nepal Presbyterian Bible Seminary. I don't think it is possible to overstate the importance of the young Christians who have committed and submitted themselves to serve the Lord in this largely-unevangelized nation. They are much like the early Christians in Jerusalem in their courage to stand up to the hostility of the unbelievers because of their love for the Lord and their countrymen. As for me, I feel honored to be a part of their lives.

I am also very excited to be making my first mission with a long-time friend, Alois Eggmann of Switzerland. He is a very capable minister of the Gospel, full of love, compassion, and encouragement for God's people. Please pray for us both, for our loved ones at home, and for the students and staff at Nepal Presbyterian Bible Seminary.

Deep and profound thanks to the people whose financial giving support the efforts of WTWH. Some people give of their abundance, but others give of themselves, making a sacrifice for what they believe in. I believe my supporters fall into the second category, and for that reason, I am humbled and blessed, knowing their reward awaits them in heaven.

For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living (Mark 12:44).

With love and thanks,
In the service of His Majesty, the King of kings,