January 22 to 30, 2012
"The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ"



After arriving in Tanzania, Evan and I took the long bus ride to Chimala.
Vendors surround the bus at every stop
We were escorted by Milka Kisota wearing a shirt that came straight from home.
Matebete January 2012
Once again this mission was organized by Evelyn Kaney.
On Sunday we attended services at the Church of Christ pastored by Patrick Kinana.
Teten Kaney prepares the congregation to receive holy communion

Evan leads the assembling of a new tent for ITO missions
Amused onlookers
Group photo with the new tent
Classes were held in the Maasai Worship and Historical Center.
Evan teaching with Paulo interpreting
Tim taught "The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ."
Class Participants
Not all participants were human.
Under the village meeting tree.

Behind the Paraboy house
Evelyn and Monika
Monika in her kitchen
Evan brought this gift for Monika
In the pantry
The village was lush with new growth.
The cows were well nourished.
Milka showed us how to clean a calabash.

A stately village elder
Pastor George Oripu of the Baptist Church with a laptop donated by Christine Pyle
Rev Paulo Kurupashi of the Lutheran Church
Pastor Saileni of Assemblies of God Church
Pastor Peta of the Moravian Church
Upendo, as lovely as her name
Monika in her kitchen
Monika in her kitchen

Monika in her kitchen
Simon Ole Oripu with a Maasai bow and arrow
Simon and son George
Paulo gives it a shot
Village children
Filipo Kaney and his son
Filipo's wife, Selena
Filipo's family with Tim
Filipo's family with Evan
The night sky is always a delight.


The festivities continued with the dedication of the new teaching center