8 to 15 FEBRUARY 2013

Click HERE to read Tim's Mission Report


7 to 9 February 2013
"The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ" in Olkireruki Village, Masai Mara, Kenya

Tim, Kei, and Jay were in Olkireruki Village from February 7 to 12.
The church in Olkireruki Village
Samwel Naikada with his father
Daniel Ole Samperu with his mother
Rev. Jay Pearson
Edyth Moraa
Edyth and Kei Sullivan
Our host Samwel with some of his family

Inside the church
Tim teaching with Samwel serving as his interpreter
Class Photo
A village schoolteacher

The church pastor and his interpreter

We received some lovely gifts.

Church Photo

Kei contemplating a life away from the madness of modern culture.
On the way to school
Our residence in the village
A place we hope to see again!

Samwel showed me these photos from when he was a younger man.
With such a strong heritage, no wonder he is now such a strong warrior for Jesus Christ!


On our last day in the village, we visited the nearby game park.