Ministers' Training Series

February 3 to 14, 2014

New graduates of the WTWH Ministers' Training Course, February 2014
The class included daily discussion groups.
ITO Chairman Patric Ole Kinana
ITO Director Teten Ole Oyee
Ready to Graduate
ITO Director Julius Kurpashi leads in the men.
Songs of praise and jubilation
First ITO chairman Elaikim Kurpashi and current chairman Patrik Kinana make a presentation.
Eliakim made this beautiful shield for Tim.
Such an amazing gift!
Garlands of congratulations
Teten and Mary
Rev Paulo Ole Kurupashi was the main interpreter for Tim.
A garland for Tim.
Tim with Philipo Kaney and friend.
Monica, Mary and Frida
Monica, Tim, Mary, Philipo and Frida
Tim and Dorcas
Tim and Jeremiah
Patrik Ole Kinana and family
Filipo's wife Serena and my hostesses
Filipo and Serena's daughter
Anna Kisota and her daughter Faraja.

Rev George Ole Oripu with his translation of Tim's book
A family pet
Rev George and family
One of George's drawings.

Irene removing the feathers from what will be our dinner.

"The Blessing of the Lord"

Irene and a special friend in Chimala.