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From departure to return, this mission lasted from 2 to 23 September.
The first two days were spent in travel.
Tim and Evan flew from Baton Rouge to Houston to Boston to Zurich to Tanzania.
We arrived in Tanzania late Tuesday night and were met by Rev. Clement Mwaitebele (1)
and Rev. Paulo Kurupashi (2) who had traveled over 600 miles by car from Mbeya.
This was WTWH's first mission in the Arusha Region.
On Wednesday morning we drove to Engikaret, the location of our first event.
We ministered in Engikaret for five days.
The Engikaret mission team (left to right):
Clement Mwaitebele from Kyela, Evan Pyle and Tim Sullivan from the USA,
Joshua Mollel from Engikaret, and Paulo Kurupashi from Matebete.
Mount Meru in the Arusha Region is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania.
We were welcomed by this colorful greeting party.

Our hosts Rev. Joshua Peter Mollel and his wife Marry
of the International Pentecostal Gospel Church of Tanzania.
During our time in Engikaret, we stayed at the Bella Bella Inn.
Our meetings were held outside with the unfinished church as a backdrop.
Rev. Mwaitebele teaching with Joshua interpreting into the Maasai tongue.
Rev. Paulo Kurupashi teaching
Evan Pyle
Tim Sullivan
Joshua Peter Mollel
Some of the participants
A lovely smile
Testimonies after the teachings
We ate our meals in this nearby school building.
Glauben's jacket made me laugh.
Evan and Tim with our hosts
On a walk just beyond the class area. Do you see the giraffes behind us?

On the way to the Saturday market
Something for everyone
Waiting to be used by Jesus?
We spent the next three days in Arusha.
A display at the Williams Hotel
In Arusha
On Thursday we flew to Dar es Salaam where we spent the night.
On Friday we flew to Mbeya. From there, we were driven to Matebete Village.


The next part of our mission was in Matebete Village.