October 9 to 17, 1999
"Die Waffen Unseres Kampfes"
(The Weapons of Our Warfare)
Click HERE to read Tim's report on this class
Click HERE to read Tim's report on this class
The very first Weapons of Our Warfare class was held in Kaub, Germany in October 1999. |
'Die Waffen Unseres Kampfes' was presented in the Haus Elsenburg along the Rhine River. |
Rev. Sullivan was assisted by four translators: Gabriele Helmer, Rudi Illavský, Beatrice Scherer, and Meike Wetzling. |
The class was organized by Meike Wetzling (2nd from left with Beatrice and 3 Helmer children). |
Inside the classroom |
Tim and Gabe |
The class choir |
Inside the class |
The dedication of the Wegert's new baby |
Preparing for the water baptism ceremony |
Dagmar |
Tina |
Heidi |
David |
Joahim |
Katrin |
Ronni |
Michael |
Rudi presents Beatrice with a gift of appreciation on behalf on the class. |
Class Photo |
Group Photo |
Group Photo |
Tim in Kaub |
Sigi took Tim on an unforgettable tour of a nuclear plant. |