July 1 to 8, 2001

"Die Waffen Unseres Kampfes"
(The Weapons of Our Warfare)



The Weapons of Our Warfare seminar was presented at the beautiful 'Haus am Sonntagberg'.
Rudi Illavský, here with Tim Sullivan, organized the event.
Gabriella Helmer, here with Nelly Sullivan, was the chief interpreter.
The songservice with Tim, Gabe, and Rudi.
Inside the classroom
Inside the classroom
The mealtime fellowship was superb...
...and the food was delicious.
George Straub with Thomas
Eva Illavský with Dermot Byrne
Rudi, Gundi, and Eva
Jan Pudil
Tim with Daniel Bucher
Christian and Gundi Helmer and Erik Hortler were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
Class photo (and Jan's birthday)


In the evenings Rudi led us on wonderful excursions.