November 28 to December 5, 2007

The Lord's House Must Be Built
If Ye Do These Things, Ye Shall Never Fall

Click HERE to read Evan Pyle's Mission Report

Eliakimu Parakepu Kurupashi speaks to the congregation
Tim teaches "If Ye Do These Things" with Ans Mwambepo interpreting

Evan teaching "The Lord's House Must Be Built"
Evan with Parkepu Kurupashi
Walking and talking
Rev. Tim with the directors of HIMWA
Paraboy Ole Kaney
Paraboy's wife, Monica

Looking at the recordings

Anna Lobara

Alone, but not alone.

Irene and her mother, Dorcas
The ladies from Tukuyu
Mrs. Mwambepo and Daina
After Sunday service

Enita and Irene in the village pharmacy
Saning'o Galahenga of Melela

Everybody loves to get their photo taken!
Even the olders boys don't really mind.
A fun way to get around the village