March 5-6, 2011

"The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ"

The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ was presented at the Tudor Lodge Hotel in Harrow.
Rev Tim teaching
Rev. Jerome Lucas organized the event. Here Jerome and Ester lead the songservice.
Inside the classroom
Anette from Sweden sings her song of thanksgiving
Regina and Tresa from Switzerland
Dermot, Elaine, Otela, Carl
Cyndi, John, Sue, Aidan
Ulf Ake, Mary, Stephen, Jerome
All together now (with Jerome)
All together now (with Tim)
At Igreja Batista do Povo Simplismente in Harleden. Tim gave the Sunday evening message.
Tim with Ester and Danillo, assistant pastors of the church.
Ester interpreted Tim's message into Portuguese.
Danillo and Ester with Anette and Ulf
In Camden Market
Aine and Jerome, Tim, Anette, and Peter
In a former life, Jerome played this club.
I joined the old and new for a birthday card for Jerome.
An amazing bench outside a store


When my time in England was over, the mission continued in Wales.