The Weapons of Our Warfare Seminar
in Crestview, Florida
The students settled in one by one on Saturday morning October 14, 2000 with great expectations of the next nine days to follow. Rev. Tim Sullivan taught the class from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., teaching in 50 minute segments. We were soon to learn that the scriptures did “come to life” as we gained a greater understanding concerning the spiritual gifts and their use in the church today.
Each of us sat expectantly, day after day, some with tears streaming down our faces, some with hearts so pierced by the Word of God spoken that we would forever be changed men and women of God. We saw, in truth, the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, which convicted, called to repentance, and healed hurt hearts and broken relationships.
Each one of us experienced great deliverance in areas of our lives. Two men in wheelchairs with unimaginable physical limitations heard God’s Word daily. One of these men had not been out of his surroundings for years, but God gave both men the strength to continue day after day. We all realized that there are no limitations or boundaries in the senses realm where God is concerned.
I do believe that Rev. Tim Sullivan is called to this ministry as a Spirit-led teacher of the Word of God and a minister of the gospel of truth. He truly is a man of God who restores reverence and respect to God and His Word.
From the December 2000 edition of the Vine & Branches