

tim's blog


January 17, 2012:

On the eve of my mission to Tanzania, I find myself seeking fortification from the words of the prophecy spoken over me on the day of my ordination in 1994:

"Teach, teach, teach, sayeth God. Men hunger for light. Many come to the end of their days not having fulfilled my desire for the little that they knew is not sufficient to make them able to face that which they must face if they are going to fulfill my will today."

Back in 1994, I could hardly bear to think about these words. They spoke of a calling far too high for me to even imagine trying to fulfill. And it was only when I read these words for the first time in many years that I noticed how all of my work as a minister has been to that end – to learn and then teach Christians the things they must know if they want to fulfill God's will for their lives.

“The question is not “Will God supply?” The question is “What will God supply?” What do you require, and what has been provided, so that you can follow in the footsteps of Paul and finish the race that has been set before you? This book, In the Power of His Might, was written to answer these questions. (from In the Power of His Might)

“What can we do to ensure the longevity of our service to the Lord? Peter said, “If you do these things, you shall never fall.” Could it be so simple? For the Christian who desires to faithfully serve the Lord Jesus, this promise is like finding a treasure map to untold riches. This is not theoretical mumbo jumbo that may or may not prove helpful. This is the answer straight from heaven! (from If Ye Do These Things, Ye Shall Never Fall)

“A system of belief that is only superficially biblical is unreliable and unsustainable. Unstable doctrines produce unstable souls. A strong foundation is anchored in solid rock. As Christians, our rock is Christ. (from The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ)

It is often difficult not to be discouraged as I look for signs that my labor has not been in vain. I find that most people would rather be mesmerized than be taught, and many are quick to turn from the truth whenever the truth dictates they change. But at their very worst, people are no worse than me, and my disappointment in others is far less severe than my disappointment in myself.

And so I am going back to Africa to once again teach on these things. I must confess I don’t always hear the mountains singing, but I know my deaf ears do not nullify the truth.

Isaiah 55:11-12:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

I am very happy to be joined on this adventure by my friend Evan Pyle. We are an unlikely team of unlikely fellows, but these are most unlikely adventures we find ourselves in! I promise you that we will go out with joy, determined to do our best to serve the Lord's people in a way that brings glory to the name of the Lord. Can we count on you for your prayers for our mission and for our families at home?

Please take the time to listen to Rev. Steve Monahan’s two-part teaching entitled “Lessons from a Leper” recorded at our church these past two Sundays. It is a stirring and challenging message and I recommend it wholeheartedly. We have other audio sermons online as well, and I think you find them good food for your soul.

God bless you, and thank you for making this old world a nicer place to be. I'll write again when we are back home.

In the service of His Majesty, the King of kings,




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