TIM'S (Very Occasional) BLOG
October 9, 2024: Tanzania Mission Report
August 31, 2024: Asking for your prayer support for our mission to Tanzania
February 18, 2024: My 2024 Mission to Uganda
January 17, 2024: Requesting your prayers during my Uganda mission
January 6, 2024: A letter of thanks to our supporters
October 16,2023: Tanzania Mission Report
September 12, 2023: Back to Africa
April 29, 2023: An Answered Prayer
April 26, 2023: My Mission to Wales and Switzerland
November 5, 2022: Tanzania Mission Report
October 1, 2022: On my way to Tanzania
June 26, 2022: A Collection of My Songs
January 21, 2022: Letter of Appreciation to Donors
April 9, 2021: My Beloved Friend, Daniel
January 12, 2021: Letter of Appreciation to Donors
March 9, 2020: Nepal Mission Cancelled Again.
January 20, 2020: An Answered Prayer!
January 13, 2020: Prayer Request
January 8, 2020: Letter of Appreciation to Donors
December 13, 2019: Nepal Mission Report with student testimonies
October 31, 2019: Prayer Request for Upcoming Mission to Nepal
October 3, 2019: Africa Mission Report
September 20, 2019: The 20th Anniversary of WTWH
September 3, 2019: My Upcoming Mission to Africa
October 8, 2018: Nepal Mission Report
September 6, 2018: Going Back to Nepal
October 17, 2017: Teaching in Nepal
September 26, 2017: Prayer Request for Upcoming Mission
September 8, 2017: Invitation to Nepal Seminar
June 26, 2017: Now We Are Six(ty)
May 15, 2017: The Passion Week on PowerPoint
April 6, 2017: Mission Report: Tanzania and Uganda, March 2017.
November 7, 2016: Mission Report: Nepal
October 6, 2016: My Upcoming Mission to Nepal
April 9, 2016: Mission Report, Uganda and Tanzania, March 2016
May 5, 2015: Mission Report, Tanzania, April 2015
April 1, 2015: Mission Report, Uganda, March 2015
October 7, 2014: Mission Report, Melela Village
September 9, 2014: My Upcoming Mission to Tanzania, and other things
June 12, 2014: My report on my classes in Kyela and Katumba, Tanzania
May 7, 2014: Dimitris Pelidis' report on the classes in Thassos, Greece
April 8, 2014: Testimonies from the Ministers' Training Series in Kireka, Uganda
March 5, 2014: My Report on the February mission to Tanzania
December 10, 2013: My Report on my November Mission to Tanzania
November 1, 2013: The Passing of Miss Betty, my upcoming mission to Tanzania and other things
October 8, 2013: "All Things Work Together For Good" (the Ministers' Training Series in Kireka, Uganda)
September 6, 2013: "Helping Together By Prayer For Us"
May 25, 2013: My report on the Ministers' Training Series held in Matebete Village
March 4, 2013: Our Mission to Kenya, Testimonies, and Future Plans
February 2, 2013: Mapping the Psalms in Switzerland
January 5, 2013: A letter of thanks to our supporters
December 22, 2012: Christmas greetings and other things...
September 27, 2012: The time is drawing near for my departure to Tanzania, my second mission with the Maasai this year.
August 22, 2012: The Maasai-to-Maasai mission to Mahango Village
May 26, 2012: The main point of this entry, I’ll tell you right from the start, is to announce that my video presentation of “The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ” is now online. The rest of these 975 words will be me trying to persuade you to watch it!
April 24, 2012: A week has passed since Steve Monahan and I returned from our trip to Forest, Virginia, where I presented my class, “The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ.” It’s funny, but even though I am fairly nervous as I prepare for an event like this, the real anxiety hits me once it is over.
March 27, 2012: "I see many stones, many rocks in the way, in the path." These words were part of a prophecy spoken over me almost 18 years ago, and although I know the imagery was metaphoric, I could feel the literal reality beneath my feet as I walked up the rocky road of Laare, Kenya.
March 10, 2012: Just 39 days after Evan Pyle and I returned from Tanzania, I am leaving tomorrow morning with Jay Pearson to teach a class in Meru, Kenya.
February 9, 2012: Here is my report from our January 2012 mission to Tanzania.
January 17, 2012: On the eve of my mission to Tanzania, I find myself seeking fortification from the words of the prophecy spoken over me on the day of my ordination in 1994:
November 10, 2011: A few weeks have passed since Jay Pearson and I returned from our mission to Kenya, and I've had time to gain some perspective on the event and put my thoughts in order.
October 6, 2011: The Week of Millenniums edition of the Vine & Branches
August 1, 2011: When people think about the “perilous times” facing the Church era, they usually envision a time of blatant persecution against Christians in a world gone mad...
June 6, 2011: The May 2011 mission of ITO (Workers Together With Him, Tanzania) to the village of Walanji was a giant step forward in our continuing mission to the Maasai...
May 20, 2011: A few months ago I received a flyer in the mail that read, THE END OF THE WORLD IS ALMOST HERE!...
April 15, 2011: There was a time in my early Christian experience that I used to bristle at the notion of being "used" by God...
April 7, 2011: Testimonies from Madungulu Village
March 29, 2011: Later this afternoon Evan Pyle and I will depart for Tanzania. It feels a bit strange to be leaving home so soon after my last mission...
March 22, 2011: At church this past Sunday I spoke about my time in England and Wales. I said that I feel very awkward sharing about a mission that was, in the end, a lot of fun. It doesn't seem very "missionary" at all...
March 2, 2011: In a few hours my wife will be driving me to the airport as I begin my first mission of 2011, the presentation of “The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ”...
January 25, 2011: It was brought to my attention that some people thought the "eV&B" was just an online edition of the Vine & Branches magazine, a justifiable conclusion...
Prior to 2011, ministry reports were found in the eV&B, now archived HERE.
Your comments are welcome! Click here to write an email to Tim.